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The key to the kingdom of light.
For children/teenagers: Learn the steps for being confident video.
For children/teenagers: You CAN be confident!
For children/teenagers: Kick that fear out the door!
For all ages: Turn your life around with gratitude!
For children/teenagers: Affirmations, positive words to empower us activity.
For parents: Does your child/teenager hate school?
Reaching for the stars meditation for children
For children/teenagers: Set up your sacred/quiet space.
For children/teenagers: What lights you up? Discover your talents and skills.
For children/teenagers: Your SUPERPOWER: Being your true, unique, self.
For children/teenagers: Choices - positive or negative ones.
Empower yourself love and light meditation, for all ages.
Meet your angels and ask for their help meditation, for all ages..
For children/teenagers: How to deal with bullies.
For children/teenagers: Become powerful and confident!
Breathe and center, for children/teenagers.